Saturday, June 5, 2010

my first blog..lets hope someone likes it

Allow me to introduce myself. I was blessed with the name Brittany at birth and later nick named Nikki by my family. Nikki? you might question and the answer to that is simple. My middle name is Nicole. The name Brittany just simply does not suit me or my personality. Brittany is more for those adorable cheerleader like girls in high school with size 2 figures and the envy of every other female in school. And that simply is not me. I am gargantuan in comparison to the miniature females I was forced to spend 8 hours with daily and just too damn big to even think of the idea of donning a mini skirt. So that's where Nikki suits me just fine. Nikki is safe and unfortunately sometimes what people call men named Nicholas (oh dear me.)

I was born in a small ass town in Alabama named Enterprise which is suits it perfectly since sometimes i questioned the townsfolk sanity and thought they were a bit alien. Either that or incest who knows because this was the deep south. Luckily I was forced to move further north to Indiana where i currently reside in a town called Kokomo..that's where we had to go to get away from it alll....or so my mom says.The name is vey deceiving lemme tell yah. There is no blue water, the only sand we have is actually dirt and the only white on it is bird shit or snow. And there certainly is no Tom Cruise, only people who think they are. So whenever people ask me if my town is like the beach boys song i sigh for the 100000000000000th time and tell them that no, no its not. Google it sometime if you have a chance. Kokomo is famous for one of the first cars and a strip club named the Hip Hugger and we were once featured on UFO Hunters for some sonic boom that people think is aliean spacecrafts. (And i thought i escaped the aliens when i left Alabama)

I was born in 1984 so that means for you math gurus that i am 25 (almost 26) years old. I have a handfull of best friends and am hoping that i have a job in august but that all depends on funding and budgets for the school corporation. My job is a teachers aid for special needs kids. Sounds fascinating doesnt it? It's really not. I felt like i was back at a daycare all over again but its a paycheck and i do love my job.

My friends are a big part of my life and ive known a lot of them for over 10 years. i wouldnt know what id do without them when i had som hardships to deal with. they are my rock! but eww enough of the sappiness.

My biggest goal for 2010 is to move the hell out of my sisters house. yes i did say that. i am almost 26 years old and still live with my sister. i know..pathetic righ? but money has been an issue and just was not making enough at past jobs to support myself. so hopefully if i get my job back in august i will be able too!

but that is enough for now on this blog. i will write more later. i promise itll be more intersting...or maybe not.who knows?

1 comment:

  1. Kokomo also had the wonderful movie "Terror Squad" filmed here in the 80's!
